Memories of Pandaria

 Publication Date: July 7th, 2021

It’s once again the time of the Spirit Festival. Pandaria is aglow with sparkling, warm-hued lanterns; they’re strung around trees like luminous spiderwebs, their fires shining down upon the merriment below. Ale is bubbling over the rims of rough-hewn mugs. Pandaren are bouncing and jumping around tables to the rhythm of drums and kazoos. Temples shrouded in history rest on hilltops overlooking the ceremonies, their halls and idols festooned with a kaleidoscopic display of garlands and ribbons. The aroma of steamed buns and roasted meats swirls into the air on clouds of salt and garlic.

Chen Stormstout is languidly sipping tea next to a bonfire with his niece, Li Li. Both of them are reciting stories of old. He rhapsodizes about Liu Lang, who traveled the world. He solemnly recounts the battles that plagued the lands during Garrosh Hellscream’s quest of violence. Li Li chirps in with stories of Pandaria’s eccentric inhabitants and their escapades to lighten the mood. She also, quite frequently, goes off on babbling tangents to add nonsensical additions to Chen’s stories, much to his dismay.

The stories continue late into the night, painting scenes in the revelers’ minds of terror, laughter, and melancholy. Everyone in attendance—visitors from all of Azeroth and beyond—listen on with reverence, knowing what awaits on the horizon…

Character: Aysa Cloudsinger

Duplication, Cost Reduction, Minion Healing, Minion Swarm, Board Clear
Limitations: Card Draw, Single-Target Removal
Weaknesses: Face Damage, Self-Healing, Taunts
Unique Gameplay Features: Powerful Delayed Abilities, Dragon Synergy, Cards That Combo With Minions On The Board

Hero Power: Chi Touch – (2) Reduce the Cost of a minion in your hand by (1).

Class Keyword: Balance – Does X Effect If You’re Left with 0 Mana After Playing the Card 

Core Keywords: Discover, Shuffle

Class Description: Naturally suffused with the calming flow of Chi, Monks are an incredibly deliberate class who rely on mana manipulation and minion cost reduction to catch their opponents by surprise with sheer numbers. What they lack in aggression, they deftly make up for with deck longevity, board control, and an affinity for dragons and elementals that harbor multiple secrets and tricks. Balance is ever in their favor, and they’ll never lack for new minions to place on the battlefield.

New Class: The Monk

New Keyword: Flourish – Gain A New Effect After X Turns in Your Hand

“Good storytelling means saving the best part for last…”

New Mechanic: Locations –
A new card type that, when played, exudes a passive effect for both players for a specific number of rounds. The effect initiates at the start of the next turn taking place after it was placed on the board. Players are only able to fill their deck with one single location, so they must choose wisely. If they’re all unique, multiple locations can be active on the board at once.

“Pandaria is brimming with stunning vistas to see. A perfect source of inspiration to add zest to your tales.”

Expansion Features

Expansion Cards

All 166 collectible cards in the expansion are viewable directly below!